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Download our Electronic Press Kit & Press Release

FILM COURAGE - You Bring Things to a Character, But They Also Bring Things to You by Actress/Producer Angela Landis of BONED Movie

DEADLINE - Gravitas 'Digs' Boned / Anthony D'Allessandro

WE MAKE MOVIES - Profiled: Angela Landis

YESCLASH.COM -  BONED is The Strangest Sweet

Movie You Will See All Year / Leza Cantoral

FILM COURAGE - Biggest Lesson I’ve Learned on Writing by

BONED Screenwriter/Director Laura Lee Bahr

WILLAMETTE WEEK - The Mission Gets Boned / Nathan Carson

MOVIE-BLOGGER.COM - BAI LING stars in an off-beat,

Hollyweird comedy

Copyright 2014 BONED, LLC

© 2013 by BONED the movie 

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